TITO AND THE BIRDS is an animated film eight years in the making from filmmakers Gustavo Steinberg (End of the Line), Gabriel Bitar (Cidade Cinza),
At its heart, PAINLESS is a movie about belonging, love, and (possibly) science! Though it relies heavily on a trope I’ve long tried avoiding in
What do Stanley Tucci and zombies have in common? Seems like a weird question, I know but it turns out the commonality is PATIENT ZERO…kind
Lately I’ve been venturing in George Romero’s filmography. Yes, I’ve seen Night of the Living Dead and many other zombie flicks, but I have this urge lately
Lately I’ve been venturing in George Romero’s filmography. Yes, I’ve seen Night of the Living Dead and many other zombie flicks, but I have this urge lately
DIVERGE, directed and written by James Morrison, is a science fiction thriller that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. A terrible virus has spread through