Welcome witches and warlocks, Today I will be reviewing the action/suspense feature BUSHWICK by directors Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott. To best describe the story, I will
Welcome witches and warlocks, Today I will be reviewing the action feature KILL ORDER (2017) by writer director James Mark. To best describe the story, I will
I am not sure what I just watched but I know I loved it! TOP KNOT DETECTIVE took me on a cheesetastic rollercoaster ride into fame and
What makes an action film? Explosions, bullets, muscly dudes, big vehicles, more explosions and of course, the total babe that the most muscly dude of
This year women have been dominating the big screen in films such as Wonder Woman, Killing Ground, and Raw. With that said, we were long overdue for a
In 2014, director Gareth Edwards released his take on the Godzilla legend. His vision withheld the infamous giant lizard from the screen for long periods of time
I’ve always been a fan of the 1999 remake of THE MUMMY starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. I actually have fond memories of seeing it with
In what starts off as a dark and gritty crime thriller in the same vein as SE7EN, BLACK ROSE quickly going into quirky, buddy cop territory that muddles
SLEIGHT lives up to what I imagine was its elevator pitch: “like Spiderman, but with magnets. And drugs. Oh, and thugs, too.” The film follows the
Last night, I was able to attend a special screening of THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS, the latest installment of the wildly popular FAST AND FURIOUS series. I