Picasso famously said, “Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” What Director William Eubank and Screenwriter Christopher Landon have done with PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: NEXT OF KIN
Bingemans is a true institution within the community of Waterloo Region in Ontario, Canada. Hosting a huge footprint within the city of Kitchener, it features
Most genre films put far more emphasis on shocks, gore, twists and concepts than they do on performances. Generally, this makes sense. Especially for the
Everyone who knows me knows I’m a huge fan of time travel films. Everything from Back To The Future and Looper to Déjà vu and
I have a real soft spot for any filmmaker who has the ambition to make microbudget genre films. There are so many horror, sci-fi and
Filmmaker Mikey McMurran became something of a local celebrity in my hometown of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada after releasing his first feature film Secret Santa in
There are two types of films about the apocalypse. The first type takes place long after the apocalypse happens, and focuses on whatever the new
“The medium is the message.” This famous phrase from Marshall McLuhan rings truer than ever almost six decades after he coined it. In that time
I have to admit up front, TISH (Toronto International Spring of Horror) is one of my favourite film festivals to attend! Jonny Lewis and Lari
The post-apocalyptic sci-fi story is seeing a real resurgence in film and TV in the last few years, and I couldn’t be happier about it.