[Blu-ray/DVD Review] THE EXORCIST 4K

Defining what the scariest movie ever made is not something to take lightly. Fear is a universal concept, but it differs in all of us. It could be a nature versus nurture concept. Many people I know who grew up religiously don’t want anything to do with films dealing with demons or the occult. However, my little brother is terrified of my Chucky dolls even though he’s never seen the movies or even knows what they are about. Possessions often unlock our deepest terrors, which leads me to THE EXORCIST. THE EXORCIST is often on the top of the list of scariest movies ever made and rightfully so.

While it never gave me nightmares or kept me up at night, the concept of possessing a child in order to corrupt others’ beliefs is pretty vicious. Regan MacNeil (Linda Blair) is every little girl and THE EXORCIST shows that the devil is capable of turning that innocence into darkness and hate. Her mother is clueless about what to do as she utilizes every medical resource with no results. Faith is put to the test as the church gathers its strength to exorcise this demon.

Everyone knows the story and can point out iconic imagery such as Regan levitating above her bed and a priest standing next to a lamppost at night. The pop culture impact makes it surprising that it’s taken this long for THE EXORCIST to make its 4K debut. It’s being advertised on the artwork as the 50th Anniversary Edition, but I’m sure it doesn’t hurt that a high-profile sequel is coming out in a few weeks with Ellen Burstyn returning in her role as Chris MacNeil. At the time of this writing, it’s still up in the air in terms of whether or not the latest sequel is a welcome addition, but we can at least revisit the original in what appears to be the best it will ever look.

[Blu-ray/DVD Review] THE EXORCIST 4K

Visually, this is the cleanest it’s ever looked and that helps bring forth the intent of the cinematography. I’ve only seen THE EXORCIST a handful of times, but I’m sure this new release only helped me notice some of the beautiful shots and lighting, particularly every scene in the MacNeil home. We are blessed with a new Dolby Atmos TrueHD mix that delivers. Part of the effect this movie has on fans is the sound mix, including Regan’s unnatural growls and breathing patterns. The creaks of the house during the first half ignite anxiety that only comes from walking through a haunted house. Purists will be happy to know that the theatrical cut includes the 2.0 mono track.

With that being said, yes, this includes both versions in 4K, each on their own disc. While the completist in me is glad to have both versions in this set, I prefer the “Version You’ve Never Seen” mainly due to slight cuts that make all the difference. Fans might want to hold onto their previous Blu-rays as the only special features on the disc here are the original commentaries. While the included digital copies allow you to stream plenty of archival documentaries and interviews, it would have been nice to have a special features disc but we can’t win them all.

The technical upgrades in the 4K release of THE EXORCIST make it well worth the purchase but hold onto your old discs if you don’t like streaming special features.

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of its 1973 release,  THE EXORCIST is now available to purchase on Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc from online and in-store at major retailers and available for purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more.

Jovy Skol
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