[Blu-ray/DVD Review] BONES AND ALL

[Blu-ray/DVD Review] BONES AND ALL
I’m not sure what the deal is lately with high-profile movies not getting 4K releases. I’m aware that physical media is not how it used to be, but at least allow a beautiful movie like BONES AND ALL to look and sound its best at home. I noticed this especially with director Luca Guadagnino’s movies. Call Me By Your Name can only be purchased on 4K as part of a larger, pricier box set of various films from Sony Pictures Classics. His Suspiria remake (which is unusually gorgeous) is a German release. They are sucking up our wallets with all this double dipping (Malignant, for example, took several months after its initial release to be available on 4K), but I’m a sucker for great films on disc.

BONES AND ALL was released to theaters in 2022 with a whimper at the box office, barely recouping its budget. However, that shouldn’t stop you from checking it out as it’s actually a unique and bloody experience.

Maren (Taylor Russell, Escape Room) has a taste for human flesh and her father has always been there to protect her. However, after turning 18 and chewing on a classmate’s finger at a sleepover, Maren wakes up to no father. He does leave behind a cassette tape, recording himself detailing his experience raising her and instances of her cannibalistic habit since she was a child. With no one to turn to, she decides to head to Minnesota to find her birth mother. She meets other “eaters” as it turns out they can spot each other by smell. One of them is Lee (Timothée Chalamet, Dune), a young, often shirtless eater also on the run, but it’s unknown to Maren of his past. What ensues is an unusual love story set amongst a road trip, destined to become essential viewing for those who adore a bloody affair.

Russell was already great in the Escape Room movies, carrying two ensemble casts in both, but she brings Maren in the sort of light where we can sympathize with her gnarly addiction. She is in practically every scene in BONES AND ALL and is able to explore a more psychological element that might have been missing from the script. Chalamet has fun getting dirty here and has that onscreen charisma that helped me understand why social media goes crazy over him.

Unfortunately, the Blu-ray has only a handful of special features that add up to less than 10 minutes. While their titles make it seem like they are character and/or director focused, these short features are mainly clips from the movie. A commentary would have helped boost the need to purchase this on disc.

BONES AND ALL will find its audience, especially with Chalamet’s quickly rising star power. It’s a patient, artistic love story told in the horror genre that would be too scary not to miss on Blu-ray.

BONES AND ALL arrives on Blu-ray on January 31, 2023.

Jovy Skol
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