For the release of the horror/thriller KNUCKLEBALL, from director Michael Peterson, I had the chance to speak with actor Munro Chambers about his role as Dixon. During our chat we discussed everything from taking on such a complex character to working alongside legendary actor Michael Ironside.
Nightmarish Conjurings: Thank you so much for speaking with us today Munro! To start things off, can you tell us a little bit about KNUCKLEBALL?
Munro Chambers: Absolutely! The film KNUCKLEBALL is about a young boy who gets dropped off at his grandparents house where his grandfather suddenly passes away. The boy then must deal with his very strange neighbor as he fights for survival through tactic and strategy.
Nightmarish Conjurings: Your role as Dixon is such a huge departure from your role as The Kid in TURBO KID. Was that something that attracted you to this role?
MC: Absolutely, I’ve always wanted to play a role like this. I’ve always been so attracted to actors with phenomenal range – the Gary Oldman’s and the Robin Williams’ of the world. I’ve always wanted to challenge myself and play a role like this and director Michael Peterson gave me that opportunity. On paper, my look is stereotyped so the fact that Michael gave me a chance on it, and to work with Michael Ironside again, was something that you don’t just pass up.

Nightmarish Conjurings: Speaking of Michael Ironside, what was it like to work with him again?
MC: It’s always amazing to work with Michael. This is now the third film we have done together which is great. The best way I can describe Michael, because he’s such an enigma, is he’s a silver spoon of cinematic knowledge who has a blue collar work ethic that he takes that wherever he goes. He really wants to help, he really wants to make the project that he chooses the best that it can possibly be. He’s a generous person and actor and I can’t speak highly enough of him.
Nightmarish Conjurings: Can you give us a little insight into your character Dixon?
MC: With Dixon, on the surface, he’s this malicious stalker who lives next door’ however, the more you go through the film a lot more comes out about him and you start to see how much he really is a whipped dog from a very troubled family. This story is about a family and the ripple effects of this family, so playing Dixon, who is malicious and has all these classic villain attributes to him, you find out that he really is a victim. He’s really an older adult who’s trapped in this little body of when he’s a victim. That was kind of fun to play with.
Nightmarish Conjurings: Last but not least, do you have any upcoming projects that you are working on that we should be keeping our eyes out for?
MC: I’ve got a few films coming out, there’s one called RIOT GIRLS from director Jovanka Vuckovic, which has a great story that’s so interesting and weird in all the great ways. There’s also a couple of other films that are just in the post-production phase so I can’t say too much about them but there’s a couple more films coming out.
KNUCKLEBALL is now available to watch on VOD and Digital.
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