When I heard about Corey Feldman starring in his first movie in years, I jumped on the chance to see it. Little did I know what was in store. CORBIN NASH was written by Dean S. Jagger, alongside director Ben Jagger. It follows a rough and tumble detective in Los Angeles named Corbin Nash (Dean S. Jagger) who is looking for who, or what, killed his parents. People in the city are guided by a blind prophet played by the legendary Malcolm McDowell and there’s an appearance by Rutger Hauer as The Stranger.
The story-line SEEMS pretty straightforward, however that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m not sure if the story-line itself was convoluted or if it was the movie’s editing but this was a difficult one to follow. The movie felt like it was trying to be a Quentin Tarantino film because it started in the present, then flashed to the past, then the present, then a different past. It was all over the place, leaving the viewer (or was it just me) fighting to follow what was going on.
And then was the appearance of Corey Feldman’s character, Queeny. Apparently, the city has a vampire problem. And instead of being one of the Frog brothers fighting against the undead, Feldman plays one of the vampires that is killing people across the city. Here’s the thing, and this is a touchy subject as of late, the character of Queeny is a drag queen, a transvestite or trans. I say that the character is one of the three because they never make a point in the movie to develop Queeny’s character enough to tell us even though Feldman pulled all the stops out in this role.
She dressed and/or identified as a woman, was interested in both sexes and had this massive over-the-top personality. I can’t tell if Feldman is being serious in his portrayal or if it is supposed to be a caricature of what the Jaggers think that a member of the trans/drag community is supposed to act like. Not to mention it will piss people off that Queeny is one of the biggest villains in the movie, yet it’s almost like we’re not supposed to take her seriously.
So, aside from the editing and the possible gross misrepresentation of the trans/drag community, the movie was just…okay. There was little to zero character development for anyone. The lighting and the camera angles were great but there was no substance whatsoever to the script or the movie itself. The final action scene was the best part of it and even that was lackluster and lacked any form of catharsis for time spent. CORBIN NASH sets us up for a sequel, although I’m not sure what else can be done with this character.
I have to take a hard pass on CORBIN NASH. While I appreciate the concept, the whole thing missed the target by a long shot. Maybe if the lead was a more likable protagonist, or there was more character development, or maybe if the movie didn’t bounce around or maybe if there was more substance, this movie could have worked a little better.
CORBIN NASH is now available on VOD and Digital HD.
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